
Rangbhari Ekadashi Vrat Tithi 2025: Anamika admiring the Amla tree. Offering deep regards to him with arms wide open. Such is Amalaki Ekadashi which falls on 10th March this year. Ekadashi fasting falls between Holi and Mahashivratri. This creates a balance of spirituality and festivities throughout India. The special worship on this day is performed towards Lord Vishnu and Amla tree. Additionally, the deep rooted Amala tree is planted for the sheer blessings of health, good fortune, affluence and culminated success at the zenith.

Amalaki Ekadashi 2025

As per the panchang, Ekadashi fasting, as it falls on 10th March starts on 9th March 7:45 AM to 7:44 AM 10th March ends. Following the Udayatithi paths of mythology would celebrate Amalaki Ekadashi while relishing the fast parallel of Amalaki Ekadashi subsequent on this very day. 2 in 1 never felt greater through fasting.

Importance of Amalaki Ekadashi

 Hindu followers, putting aside the woes of day to day life. Moving into uncharted waters of fasting on Amalaki. Purposeless fasting bringing fortitude beyond comprehension and emotions shattering all the limits. Absolute freedom euphoric feeling combining hundreds of pilgrimages and Yagna’s galore bringing bliss. Worship of Lord Vishnu triumphing over bunches to sins battling granting them state of glory. All striving in pain & poverty now transforming to tornados of zealous energy gratitude pouring endless ecstasy while bringing priceless affection affection. Work, business and career skyrocketing efficiency as through Amalaki everything begins to flow.

Rangbhari Ekadashi is celebrated in Kashi region

Amalaki Ekadashi is popularly reffered to as the Rangbhari Ekadashi and like all festivities, special colors add charm ekonom west on this Ekadashi in Kashi hosted with great pomp. According to mythological beliefs, on this very day, Lord Shiva set foot in Kashi for the first time after marrying Goddess Parvati. His followers welcomed him and Parvati by throwing colorful powders. Since then, Rangbhari Ekadashi devotees celebrate by throwing colors, abir and talaal on Lord Shiva. After this day, there is a lot of color play in Kashi for the next 6 days. According to popular belief, colors offered to Lord Shiva on the day of Rangbhari Ekadashi are said to bring happiness bestowing blissful life.

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