
Borassus Relief From Many Diseases : The tall palm tree and its green leaves are breathtaking and even further, have a special place in Ayurveda. It is now common knowledge that each component of the palm tree, be it the leaves, bark or stem, is full of qualities. Such are the palm tree features that it is used in the treatment of various ailments. Let us know about these special palm tree features.

Palm Trees

In fact, the palm tree is quite straight and tall and does not branch out. If you look closely at its trunk, its leaves sprout from it. It is also called Kalpavriksha. Toddy coming out of the palm tree is very famous in the country and it is also used in many festivals.

Advantages of palm trees

If we focus on the gains of palm trees, it is known to be very helpful in dealing with urine and stomach problems. It is believed that the toddy which comes out from the palm tree is cold and is very good for the stomach. Additionally, it is also said to be useful for diseases of the urine, eye Vata, Pitta, and even irritation. The burning sensation of urination is also alleviated by mixing palm leaf juice with fruit juice.

'Tadgola,' located on top of these palm trees, is said to have many benefits as well and is known to be very nutritious. It is known to be super effective in aiding digestion because it is packed with fiber. Moreover, this superfood is able to help cure constipation too.

Palm leaves and bark

In addition to this, palm leaves and bark are also very useful. Juice and decoction of palm leaves with powdered bark is recommended. If there is infection or itching around of the eyes, then palm leaf juice is good in such cases. In addition, performing decoction of palm leaves juice prevents diseases related to the liver and it is also claimed that powdered palm bark is good for the liver. Palm is also considered useful in fever during typhoid.

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