Numerology 02 January 2025: Today is Tuesday, the Pratipada date of Paush Shukla Paksha. Pratipada date will remain till 3:22 pm today. Dhruva Yoga will remain till 6:59 pm today. Also, Purvashada Nakshatra will remain till 12:04 pm tonight. Number astrology is called Numerology in English words. Let us know from Acharya Indu Prakash how will be today for all the people with numbers from 1 to 9 on the basis of date of birth.
- Number 1- Today you will learn something new and will also teach it to your children.
- Number 2- You will have a strong image in politics, your status in society will be worth seeing.
- Number 3- Today, expressing your views openly in front of others will increase your confidence.
- Number 4- Today you will discuss a new topic with your family members, the family members will agree with your ideas.
- Number 5- Today your language will be sweet and simple, people will be impressed by you.
- Number 6- People who are working from home, their work will go well and they will get monetary benefits.
- Number 7- There will be a festive atmosphere in the house due to your child getting a good job, your worries will reduce.
- Number 8- Your interest in religious activities will increase, there are chances of religious rituals taking place in the family.
- Number 9- Today you will help needy people, you will get blessings.
In this way, you can know your birth number-
For example, if your date of birth is 22, 4 and 13, then your Root Number will be 4. Method of finding Root Number: If your date of birth is 22, then multiplying it by 2+2 will give 4.