'Full of enthusiasm, honest in speaking their mind, never afraid to move ahead' such is the youth of our country. 'Youth' is the identity of India. It is the picture of changing India. But this hardworking youngster is now becoming the poster child of disease. Even after lakhs of efforts, the youth is not able to get free from the clutches of diseases, while the efforts are not decreasing. The common resolution of 80% of young India is also health. That means 'resolve for health' is to improve physical and mental health and they are also implementing it properly. 24% of the youth of the country exercise seven days a week, 48% of the youth workout at least 4 days a week. Young India's expenditure on gym-fitness equipment is increasing. Not only this, the 'health food market' is also going to reach 30 billion US dollars i.e. about 240 billion rupees.
According to FICCI, the youth spend an average of Rs 4,000 on their health every month. But even after this, the problems of heart attacks, diabetes in young age, weak eyesight, constant fatigue, stress and fitness have increased among the youth. This is indeed a matter of concern. When all the efforts are being made to attain good health, then why is the health not good even when the food and exercise are right? This is the reason why many studies have been started on this. Health experts and researchers are trying to find out whether the challenges of the workplace are dominating the healthy lifestyle of the youth? Is the work life balance of the youth not right? Is the stress taking a toll? Is the negligence of sleep not causing illness? Are they making mistakes in the gym? Is this the reason why good food, drink and workout are proving ineffective? This is a matter of youth, of the country's health and in such a situation, who can have a better solution than the world famous yoga guru. So let's make the youth of the country healthy through yoga and Ayurveda.
Young India's health deteriorated
41% youth feel stressed
40% of heart patients are under 40 years of age
73% have diabetes in the age group of 18-35
years Hypertension in the age group of 40 years
1 in 4 teenagers has depression
Healthy Lifestyle
Wake up early,
do yoga,
eat a healthy diet,
avoid fried food,
get proper sleep,
drink 4 liters of water a day
What to eat to get a healthy body?
Eat hot and fresh food.
Eat less than your appetite.
Include plenty of salad in your diet.
Eat seasonal fruits.
Include curd and buttermilk in your diet.
benefits of yoga every day
Energy will increase,
BP control,
weight control,
sugar control,
improvement in sleep,
better mood.
Workout is necessary, take a resolution
The body gets high energy,
the mind remains active,
sleep improves,
blood pressure is controlled,
stress reduces
take care with yoga
Get your BP checked once a month
Get your cholesterol checked every 6 months
Get your blood sugar checked every 3 months
Get your eyes tested once a year Get a
full body checkup done every year
Healthy diet with yoga
Increase the amount of water,
reduce salt and sugar,
consume more fiber,
eat nuts,
eat whole grains,
take protein
How to increase stamina?
Make a habit of running,
increase protein in your diet,
drink 3 to 4 liters of water,
avoid fast food
Prevention of diseases
Keep BP under control,
keep cholesterol under control,
keep sugar under control,
do yoga-pranayam,
keep weight under control,
don't smoke
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