
The parents who made you laugh by making funny faces, put you to sleep with a loving pat when you are scared, taught you to walk by holding your finger, the hand that they held in their childhood, children leave it as soon as they grow up. And when in the last phase of their life the body becomes weak and they need someone to take care of them the most, then the grown up children become so busy in their responsibilities that they do not have any free time. This may sound harsh but if you look around you, you will find many such stories in every house in today's fast-paced life. As soon as you cross the age of 60, you get ready to catch back and knee pain, cataract in the eyes, weak eyesight and memory, stomach problems, heart problems and God knows how many diseases at once.

In India, 2 out of every 3 senior citizens are suffering from some chronic disease. But how many people are there who spend time with their parents every day. It is said that interest is dearer than the principal, i.e. grandchildren are more dear than children. But children too are mostly either burdened with school studies or are stuck with mobile gadgets. Therefore, whether the generation is of grandparents, parents or grandchildren, everyone needs to include yoga in their lifestyle. This will keep the elderly happy and healthy even in old age. Parents will be able to manage their life in a better way and give time to the family and children will be able to come out of gadgets and focus on their health. All this can be done with the knowledge of Yogadharma and Sanskar of Swami Ramdev. So let us match the health of 3 generations of parents, children and grandchildren today.

diseases of old age


Bad digestion
Heart problem
Knee pain

stay young for 100 years

Laugh openly, do humorous exercises,
reduce anger,
develop the habit of forgiving, it
is important to have friends,
take out time for hobbies,
get involved in social work

Pay attention to growing age

Do not gain weight,
quit smoking,
avoid loneliness,
avoid depression,
get your BP and sugar checked,
do not eat spicy food

Healthy start to the day

Take Giloy-Aloe vera juice,
walk for 20 minutes,
do yoga for 15 minutes,
drink cucumber, bitter gourd and tomato juice

What to do to remove weakness?

Eat green vegetables,
drink tomato soup,
take amla-aloe vera

6 superfoods that will keep you young forever

, garlic
, almond-walnut,
, curd
, gourd

Make your lungs strong

Drink hot water,
boil basil and drink it.
Avoid cold water.
Avoid fried food.
Do pranayam daily.

Heart will become healthy

Do micro exercise for 15 minutes.
Drink bottle gourd juice every morning.
Avoid smoking.
Drink Arjun-cinnamon decoction.

Sugar will be controlled

Take juice of cucumber, bitter gourd, tomato,
drink decoction of giloy
, Mandukasana-Shashakasana is beneficial,
do Kapalabhati for 15 minutes

Make your kidneys strong

Drink the juice of neem leaves.
Take the juice of peepal leaves.
Reduce protein in your diet.
Eat less salt.
Eat Kulth dal.
Eat 3-4 leaves of Patharchatta.

How to relieve joint pain?

Drink warm turmeric milk
Eat honey
Apply turmeric-coconut paste
Drink ginger tea with honey
Massage with sesame oil

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