Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to launch five new modern trains in January. He will launch five trains connecting Delhi and Kashmir. These trains will be equipped with onboard heating system keeping in mind the weather of Kashmir. In such a situation, these trains will not only be state-of-the-art from the technical point of view, but have also been specially designed keeping in mind the harsh weather of Kashmir.
Onboard heating system
Keeping in mind the cold weather of Kashmir, heating systems have been installed in these trains so that passengers can have a comfortable travel experience even in winter. This initiative of Indian Railways will not only make transportation easier but will also promote tourism and economic activities in the Kashmir Valley. The trains will pass through snow-covered areas and will be equipped with onboard heating systems for the convenience of passengers. The heating system will make the coach warm and comfortable even in sub-zero temperatures. According to a media report, a senior official said, "The construction of all five rakes has been completed and the trains are ready for operation. It can be launched in the first month of next year."
- Each train will have 22 coaches.
- The coach wheels and engine front windshields are designed to prevent ice formation.
- The onboard heating system will help melt ice in sub-zero temperatures.
- The coach will be sanitized from both sides before leaving the platform.
- Passengers travelling to Srinagar will have to undergo special security checks similar to the security checks done at the airport.
- There will be more Railway Protection Force personnel than in trains on normal routes.