Sara Ali Khan always makes time for her family and what better occasion than New Year's Day. Recently, the actress posted pictures on Instagram Stories and shared some heartwarming selfies from her first dinner of the new year with mom Amrita Singh. In the pictures shared by Sara Ali Khan, she is seen posing for a selfie with her mother Amrita Singh during her first dinner of 2025. Sara wore a beautiful green and black printed outfit and her hair was tied and she also carried very tiny earrings. Her mother Amrita looked very beautiful in a multi-coloured shirt with a no-makeup look for the dinner.
Gives time to family
Sara captioned the post, 'First dinner of the year with mummy jaan.' This is not the first time the 'Murder Mubarak' actress has shared pictures with her mother, she often gives fans a glimpse of her family life. Sara Ali Khan was raised in a single-parent household. Her parents Amrita Singh and Saif Ali Khan got divorced when she was very young. Sara recalled her childhood and spoke about her mother during the promotions of her film 'Ae Watan Mere Watan'. She revealed that her mother was very different from her friends' parents. Though she initially felt it was something she was missing, she later realised it was actually a blessing.
Image Source : INSTAGRAM
Sara Ali Khan with mother Amrita Singh.
Sara had a complaint about her mother
In a conversation with Galata India, Sara Ali Khan revealed that her mother did not know how to cook or drive, which she considered a shortcoming in her life. However, her mother gave her an answer that changed her perspective and made her look at things differently. At first, Sara felt bad about this, but one day her mother told her, 'How many of your friends' parents know how to act and ride a horse? Because I do.' Sara laughed at this comment and admitted that she never complained again.
Sara's next film will be released on this day
Talking about the work front, Sara will next be seen in Sky Force alongside Akshay Kumar, Nimrat Kaur and Veer Pahadia. The film is produced by Dinesh Vijan, Amar Kaushik and Jyoti Deshpande. It will showcase a lesser-known chapter of India's history and will hit the theatres on January 24, 2025.