Numerology 29 December 2024: Today is the Chaturdashi date of Paush Krishna Paksha and Sunday. Chaturdashi's date will last the whole day till 4.02 am today. Jyeshtha Nakshatra will remain till 11.22 pm tonight. Also, the fast of the month of Shivratri will be observed today. Numerology is called Numerology in English words. Let us know from Acharya Indu Prakash how the day will be for all the people with numbers from 1 to 9 based on date of birth.
- Number 1—Today, you will talk a lot with your spouse, which will increase your love.
- Radix 2- Your parents' health will improve. Your tension regarding their health will go away.
- Number 3- Your enthusiasm will increase. Also, you will get some good news.
- Radix 4- Today will be a great day for students. You will get opportunities to progress in your career.
- Number 5- Your income will increase. Due to this your financial condition will become stronger.
- Number 6- New ideas will come to your mind. These ideas will be beneficial for you.
- Number 7- Today will be a great day for you, you will be successful in whatever work you start.
- Number 8- Some of your work may stop midway, keeping you a little worried.
- Number 9 - If you want to buy something for the home, you can buy it today.
In this way, you can know your birth number-
For example, if your date of birth is 22, 4, or 13, then your Root Number will be 4. Method of finding Root Number: If your date of birth is 22, then multiplying it by 2+2 will give 4.