Jio has launched many recharge plans on the occasion of New Year, which include plans of Rs 2025 and Rs 601. Apart from these two plans, Jio has two more cheap plans for the whole year, which offer long validity as well as benefits like unlimited calling, daily data and free SMS. These recharge plans of Jio are especially for those users who want to stay free till December 31 by recharging on January 1, that is, there is no tension of recharge for the whole year. We are telling you about such prepaid plans of Jio.
Jio's Rs 3599 recharge
This recharge plan of Jio comes with a validity of 365 days. Talking about the benefits of this plan, users get the benefit of unlimited free calling to any number in India for the entire 365 days. Apart from this, in this plan of Jio, apart from free national roaming, the benefit of daily 2.5GB data is available. In this way, users get a total of 912.5GB data. Apart from this, users will get the benefit of 100 free SMS daily in this plan.
Jio's Rs 3999 plan
Talking about this long validity recharge plan of Jio, users get 365 days validity in it. Talking about the offers available in this plan, in this plan also users get the benefit of unlimited calling on any number. Apart from this, this plan also comes with daily 2.5GB high speed data. In this way, users will also get the benefit of 912.5GB data. Also, you will get the benefit of 100 free SMS daily. In this plan, apart from the plan of Rs 3599, you will get free subscription of Fancode for only one year.