
Yoga Mental Health 28 08 2024 17

Nowadays, everyone has some stress or worry in their life. Whoever you ask is worried. This worry and stress pushes you towards depression. In such a situation, to improve mental health, you must do yoga daily. It is not only important to be physically healthy but you also need to take care of your mental health. Therefore, to improve mental health, include yoga in your life. Yoga, pranayama, and meditation provide mental peace. With this, you can control your negative thoughts. Know which yoga exercises should be done to improve mental health.

Yoga to relieve stress and depression

Pranayama- Doing pranayama regularly improves mental health. By doing pranayama, the brain gets more oxygen, which gives a feeling of mental peace. To reduce stress, you must do pranayama like Anulom-Vilom, Bhramari and Kapalabhati daily. All these pranayamas improve mental health and calm the mind.

Marjari Asana- This yoga practice is also known as Cat-Cow Pose. While doing Marjari Asana, the body and mind connect. Doing this yoga asana improves blood flow. Doing this relieves stress. People who do Marjari Asana daily get mental peace. Such people can do any work with full concentration.

Ardha Matsyendrasana- This yogasana is also called Half Spinal Twist Pose. Doing Ardha Matsyendrasana strengthens the spine. Mental health also improves. Doing this yoga reduces mental stress and also removes negative thoughts. Doing Ardha Matsyendrasana daily gives mental peace and strength.

Shirshasana- This yoga practice is a bit difficult but it is considered to be very good for the brain. Doing Shirshasana improves blood circulation. Doing Shirshasana keeps both the body and mind fit. This improves blood circulation in the brain and improves concentration. Doing it daily increases attention and memory power.

Paschimottanasana- Doing this yoga relieves mental stress and anxiety. In this yoga, you have to stretch your legs forward and bend your head, which causes a stretch in the back. This yoga provides mental peace. It is considered good for improving mental health.