It is a gland that is found in the bodies of men and its wellness is often overlooked. There are people who believe the prostrate issue is of lesser concern, and the reason can be that they see a cure being possible. This is true until the problem is not addressed at the right time, since the untreated benign prostrate hyperplasia also develops into cancerous tissue. This is to suggest that there is wisdom in the concept of ‘right approach, right time’. Never ignore a problem as a minor one even if it seems to be. Yoga practice coupled with Ayurveda medicine should be used to eliminate it. An ideal circle of protection mechanically surrounds the yogic body. So, strengthen artistic immunity first, and then figure out what can be done about the kidneys, bladder, urethra and prostate or the pelvic floor muscles. Look to Swami Ramdev for advise on the matter.
What is the prostate problem?
Men possess a prostate gland. There is abnormal growth of the tissues in the gland and it becomes enlarged. Such an enlarged gland can obstruct the flow of urine resulting in difficulty in urination usually in aged men. This condition begins to develop at older ages in male individuals.
Causes of prostate problems
Prostate problems tend to appear with aging. Other factors include unhealthy lifestyle choices. After the Covid pandemic, the numbers are climbing. Family history of specific conditions might increase the risk. There are cases of prostate enlargement affecting men from age 40. Older age is associated higher incidence; after 80 years the number rose up to 90% of these men.
Prostate problems and diseases?
Urinary tract infection
Bladder Infection
Kidney problem
Prostate cancer
Prostate problem
Prostate-Specific Antigen Level Description
0-4 Normal
4-10 infections
More than 10 infection Prostate cancer
More than 20 invasive Prostate cancer
Prostate effective remedies
There are herbal treatments in Ayurvedic medicine that can treat or reduce the size of a prostate. For this, mix a bottle of gourd juice with seven leaves of basil and five black peppers then drink it. This can greatly resolve the issues.
Besides this, giloy, basil, neem, wheat grass and aloe vera act together as a panchamrit for prostate cancer.
Decoction for prostate’s effective use
You can also take a decoction for prostate too. To prepare it, take 10 gms of Gokhru and mix it with 10 gms of Kanchnar and boil it with two glasses of water until it remains half and filter it. Drink the decoction when it cools down during the mornings and evenings. Also, Patharchata has its uses in this. Take 5 leaves in the morning and dry 5 leaves for the evening.