
Mixcollage 16 Sep 2024 10 32 Am (1)

How do we know when someone has a heart attack? If a person starts holding his chest, sweats a lot, or has trouble breathing, then we assume that he has had a heart attack. This is what is often shown in films. The same symptoms as shown in films don’t need to be seen in all cases, such as in diabetes patients who do not feel such pain due to nerve loss. Apart from this, just look at the videos that come every day, people stop breathing while dancing, singing, running, and falling in a second. Health experts are saying that sore throat after corona can also be a signal of a heart attack. Studies have shown that inflammation and allergy in the throat after COVID-19 infection disturbs the baroreflex function, which increases the risk of BP and heartbeats getting worse. Apart from this, do not ignore persistent pain in the legs, it can also be a signal before a heart attack.

As diseases are increasing, technology is also advancing. AI is the biggest example of this. Now AI will warn you of a heart attack in advance. Doctors in Korea have prepared a model. In research, the machine gave information about heart attack half an hour in advance in 74% of the cases and 14 hours in advance in 26% of the cases. If such a machine comes into the market, then millions of lives can be saved every year. Every 40 seconds, one death occurs due to this disease across the world. In India alone, 26% of the total deaths due to disease are due to heart disease. Right now research is going on on that AI machine, when will its trial be completed, and when will it come into the market? It is better to take refuge in yoga-ayurveda and make the heart so strong that there is no risk of heart attack.

Superfood for the heart 

  • Flaxseed
  • Garlic
  • cinnamon
  • Turmeric

heart problems in youth

  • Cardiac arrest at the age of 40
  • Heart disease cases increased by 53% in 5 years
  • Irregular heartbeat is the biggest problem

The enemy of the heart – smoking

  • Heart Attack
  • heart failure

Cardio Health -American Heart Association

  • Take care of your heart from a young age 
  • Vegetarian diet reduces heart disease
  • Cholesterol control with plant based food 

Heart made healthy – 

  • Gourd Kalpa
  • Lauki Soup
  • gourd vegetable
  • Bottle gourd juice 

Heart will become stronger – natural remedy

  • 1 teaspoon Arjuna bark 
  • 2 gms cinnamon 
  • 5 Tulsi
  • make a decoction by boiling
  • The blockage will be removed by drinking it daily