Shimla: It seems that everything is not well between the Congress government and the Governor in Himachal Pradesh at this time. While Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi is attacking Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla, the Governor has given a big statement. Amidst the tension between the government and the Raj Bhavan, Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla said on Friday that the Raj Bhavan is not there to fulfill the election promises of any leader. The Governor gave this statement on the statement of Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi, in which he had said that the Raj Bhavan would not approve the Nautod cases.
The governor said this
Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla said that Raj Bhavan has given its reply regarding Nautod matters. There were objections on some subjects. Answers have been sought regarding this. Till now no reply has been received from the state government. Raj Bhavan never said that we are different from Nautod, but Raj Bhavan will work under the rules only.
He said that the Raj Bhavan has asked the state government how many people are involved in this. The Raj Bhavan has also sought information about the names in this regard. Shiv Pratap Shukla said that if any name is shown incorrectly then the Raj Bhavan is not responsible for it. They will not work beyond the rules. The Governor said that the Raj Bhavan is not there to fulfill anyone's election promises.
The minister had said this about the governor
Let us tell you that Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi in the Sukhu government was seen angry with Himachal Pradesh Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla. Negi had expressed his displeasure over the cabinet proposal regarding Nautod not getting approval. According to the Revenue Minister, this proposal has been pending in the Raj Bhavan for more than one and a half years. Negi said that he will meet the Governor once again and try to get the proposal approved. If even then positive results are not achieved, then he will use the right of peaceful protest given in the Constitution. The Revenue Minister had said that if needed, he will also take to the streets along with the public.