
Today is Wednesday Tenth Tithi for Paush Shukla Paksha, as it is January 9 of the year 2025. The Tenth Tithi is valid until the time period of 12:23pm today whereas Sadhy Yoga is valid until 5:29pm. Bharani Nakshatra ends at 3:07 Bhi providing a massage of guidance. Talk to meester Indu Prakash to gain insight into January 9 in the year 2025, know what is best to do during that day. He also answer some of the questions including the color which is his lucky and the number for the day.


Aries are likely to mae new plans for economic improvement as there will be new ideas that pop over. Moreover with shelter from seniors of the family, communication issues that reside regarding relationships will be resolved. Surely it is the right time to amend mentalities and rudimentary blunders that had been conducted previously. You are very much likely to make compelling progress and will be thinking of a different way to go about a certain task. By the looks of it, there is expected to be a meat receptor enhancement; meaning good health is around the corner. On the other hand any unnecessary drama should be left out. Lastly if your goal is to suppress misunderstandings, get away from them to build a better marriage.

Taurus: Taurus, your day today will be refreshing with a few new responsibilities to undertake. You will buy things related to religion since you will come up with such in today’s plan. Taurus can expect to get their money back today which was stuck somewhere in traffic. The children attending arts classes of the students with this zodiac sign will get additional support from their teachers. You will also plan a visit to one such place, along with a friend. Married persons of the Taurus sign today will enjoy the warmth and love of family. If you are running a business, revenues would be higher than expected today.

Gemini: Gemini, today your day will be filled with joy. Geminis need to grasp as many little details as possible in business today. Consulting with someone who has more experience will be a good thing to do today. Your Special desire from today is bound to be granted. The kind of support you got in your office from the officers will do more to your cause and boost your morale. You may complete important work related to children today; it will be a good experience. People in love will find this day to be pleasant; you can go out together at some magnanimous show. You are likely to get good news from your in-laws today.

You may be happy that your child managed to achieve success, which will grow the water of happiness in your house. It would be good to take advice from a good knowledgeable person for better career choices for your children. By acquiring new practices at work, the work will be done efficiently. The day promises to be good for the Leo students in the field of medicine. The work that your child is doing right will pay off, and they will be able to complete their plans and goals for the year that they had set forth.

A good expert would be able to provide better career advice for you and your family. It seems a property purchase may be on the cards with some more running around to do. Students who want to pursue their carrier in medicine will feel a positive change turning in their favor. In the family, you will find happiness. In the family, there is a good prospect of enhancing welfare, boost wealth, increase joy, luck and happiness.


The blessings of the stars will shine bright on you today. It would be advisable for you to keep remove any unwanted intereference today that disrupts your family’s peace. Virgos are expected to be quite engaged with virtual meetings while teaching their students today. Tomorrow will be a great time for you to talk to your mother about getting started on a new computer course. Make the most of the fact that your spouse will give you a helping hand when you need it the most. Expect mutual reassurance among love mates.


Today will be full of accomplishments for you. Taking care of your family and work related activities today would boost your confidence. You can tell by their demeanor that you will be treated with utmost respect today. Today’s classes will focus on subject studies as well as assessment workouts. It may be possible today to put the finishing touches on your remaining work. Your father will consult an elder about the appropriate time to go in for a better job. There is a friend’s birthday tomorrow and you will happily go there for a celebration in the middle.


If you're a Scorpio, you're in for a treat. The family circle will be filled with a happy mood today. Efforts to improve financial condition will be accomplished. Today your official work will be successfully accomplished with the assistance of a powerful person. Today, a new business you plan will have more profits than the previous. Today, you'll have some quality time with your family. Today, health-related issues which you faced earlier are likely to be resolved. Unexpected inflow of cash will further add up to your financial position.


If you are Sagittarius, today is a good day to start with. A systematic routine will dominate today. This is the right time to settle the pending issues that have to do with property. You will also be guided by a particular someone who is knowledgeable on the subject. These people will be attracted to you due to your simplicity and goodness. It is likely that a small visitor will stop by your house today. Family disputes with someone will be settled today, which will strengthen the feeling of love towards him/her. Accompanied with your spouse, you will visit a place of worship.


There is a positive energy surrounding you today, and it would be a good day to focus on mending any issues in your life. It is evident that the efforts you have taken towards self-improvement will bare fruit as your reputation in society improves today. As long as the boundaries with your spouse are well defined, your relationship will blossom, and thankfully, your mother is expected to recover today. You can be learning something today that will help expand your repertoire of skills in the future. If you have children, today is going to be a delight for them.


Even today, you will be receiving invitations in relation to some conference or formal function, suggesting that today is going to be an eventful day and that you will get a lot done. While you will receive some bills for payment, you need not worry as your earning opportunities have expanded, and you are set to receive more than what you have to spend. I have some news, as tasks that have been daunting in your education or other career paths will cease to exist today. Women of this zodiac can get good news today. The celebration can also be dedicated to a supporting role played by your parents in achieving your dreams.


For you, today will be a productive day. You may learn technical work that will benefit you in the future today. For those engaged in private services, there are chances of being posted to a favorite place. Students will perform well in today's competition. Today will be productive for the writers with this zodiac. They will be awarded for a poem or a story.

Read More: Horoscope for March 13, 2025: Predictions for All Zodiac Signs