Tuesday , September 17 2024

9 gelatin rods found near a hotel in Mysore, police said – someone must have kept them to kill pigs

Gelatin Rods 1724389137

There was a stir in Mysore, Karnataka after 9 gelatin rods were found. A person saw these rods and informed the police about it. The bomb disposal squad was immediately sent to the spot. After this, the entire material was recovered. However, the police say that there is nothing to worry about. Local people use these things to kill pigs and it must have been missed by someone.

The incident is from Narasipura in Mysuru. The bomb squad has recovered nine gelatin sticks and a country-made bomb near Friends Gate Hotel here. A local passerby saw these materials in a blue plastic bag and informed the police about it. As soon as the information was received, the bomb squad was immediately sent to the spot.

There is nothing to worry about- SP

Mysore SP says that some gelatin sticks have been found. Their source is not yet known. It seems that these were being used to hunt pigs. People in these areas adopt similar methods. We have seen this before. Someone must have come for hunting and must have forgotten and gone away. There is nothing to worry about. However, we are investigating all the aspects. 

What is a gelatin rod?

Gelatin is nitrocellulose or gun cotton, which is broken down into nitroglycerine or nitroglycol and wood pulp or saltpeter is added to it. It burns slowly but causes a fierce explosion when it comes in contact with detonators. It is a very cheap explosive material. Gelatin rods are used in digging mines and wells. It is very dangerous and to avoid the possibility of an accident, it is kept in a sandbag. In such a situation, even if it explodes, it does not cause much harm to any human being.