
Gastritis Home Remedies 23 09 20

Gastritis is becoming a serious problem. Due to bad lifestyle, the number of gastritis patients has increased significantly. When the condition becomes serious, the stomach lining starts swelling. Which can cause pain, swelling, nausea and sometimes vomiting. If you ever have a problem with gastritis, you can get relief from some home remedies. Today we are telling you some remedies to reduce stomach swelling and relieve gas pain. Know what you have to do?

Ways to reduce stomach inflammation in gastritis

Ginger Tea- Ginger tea naturally helps strengthen the digestive system. Anti-inflammatory elements are found in ginger which are considered good for relieving gas, swelling, and stomach upset. To make ginger tea, heat 1 cup of water and boil some ginger pieces in it. Now drink this tea when it cools down a bit. You should consume this tea twice a day.

Aloe Vera Juice- Aloe vera has properties that soothe and treat the stomach. Which can reduce gastric inflammation naturally. It helps in increasing digestion and reducing gastric acid. For this, consume half a cup of aloe vera juice daily on an empty stomach. 

Probiotics- Include probiotics like yogurt in your diet. This increases good bacteria in the digestive system and reduces the symptoms of gastritis. Probiotics are found in yogurt, kefir, and other fermented foods. For this, include 1 cup of plain yogurt in your diet every day. This will improve gut health.

Chamomile Tea- Chamomile tea is considered to be one of the best flower teas. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and digestive calming properties. Drinking chamomile tea soothes the stomach. It can soothe gastritis by reducing irritation. You can drink this tea with or after food.

Licorice tea- Licorice is considered good for both the stomach and throat. Licorice can be used to treat stomach problems and reduce inflammation. Licorice reduces the damage caused by stomach acid. You can drink licorice tea or eat licorice tablets.