On the occasion of New Year, BSNL has introduced a new plan of Rs 277 for its crores of mobile users. The government telecom company is offering 60 days validity at less than Rs 5 per day. Apart from this, 120GB free data can be offered to the users. This offer of BSNL is valid till 16 January 2025. The government telecom company has the cheapest plan with 300 days validity, in which users get the benefit of unlimited calling, data etc.
BSNL's Rs 797 plan
In this Rs 797 plan of BSNL, users get a long validity of 300 days. In this plan, users have to spend less than Rs 3 per day. Talking about the benefits of this plan, users get the benefit of unlimited calling and free national roaming on any network across India for 60 days. Apart from this, users get the benefit of 2GB high speed data daily. Apart from this, users get the benefit of 100 free SMS daily. After 60 days, users will get the benefit of free incoming calls on their numbers in this plan. However, for outgoing calls and data, users will have to do a top-up recharge with this plan.
BiTV Service
Talking about other news related to BSNL, the government telecom company has launched the country's first direct-to-mobile service BiTV service. In this service, users will be able to watch more than 300 live TV channels on their mobile phones for free. BSNL has first launched this service in Puducherry. Soon, this service will be launched all over the country. Apart from this, BSNL has also launched IFTV service. The company's broadband users will be able to take advantage of live TV channels based on Internet Protocol. In this, users will be given free access to more than 500 live TV channels.