
Ugc Net 5 1727001848

UGC NET Result 2024: All the candidates who appeared in the UGC NET exam are eagerly waiting for their results. In such a situation, it is expected that the result of UGC NET 2024 can be declared on time by the National Testing Agency i.e. NTA. The result will be declared on the official website. Once released, candidates will be able to check their results by visiting the official website However, there is no official information yet as to when and at what time the results will be released. 

The National Testing Agency had earlier released the provisional answer key of UGC NET and provided an opportunity to file objections. After which the candidates had filed objections till 14 September with the extended date. After this, now NTA will soon declare the final answer key and result of UGC NET.  

how to check 

Candidates will be able to check their results through the steps given below. 

  • Firstly, visit the official website of UGC NET,
  • After this, on the home page, click on the link ‘UGC-NET Result 2024’.
  • After this, you will have to fill in details like your application number and date of birth in the designated place.
  • After filling all the information in the designated place, press the ‘Submit’ button.
  • After this, your result will appear on the screen. Download it and keep a printout with you for future reference.

Each question in the UGC NET exam is of 2 marks. No marks are deducted for wrong answers in this exam. If you do not attempt a question or leave it for review, then no marks are awarded or deducted for it. If a question is found to be wrong or ambiguous, then full marks will be given to all the candidates who attempted that question.

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