
Surya Grahan 6 1727692266

Surya Grahan 2024 and Horoscope: A solar eclipse is going to happen on October 2. The solar eclipse will start at 9:12 pm on Wednesday as per Indian time and will end at 3:17 am late at night.

It will last for minutes. This eclipse will be visible in North America, South America, the Pacific Ocean region, Antarctica, the Arctand the, and the ic, Atlantic Ocean. This eclipse will not be visible in India but still necessary measures should be taken during the eclipse. This solar eclipse will have different effects on all the 12 zodiac signs. So let us know from Acharya Indu Prakash at which place in your horoscope this solar eclipse will occur and what measures you should take after the eclipse.


This solar eclipse will take place in your sixth house. The sixth house in the birth chart is related to your friends, enemies, and health. Due to the effect of this eclipse, enemies can try to dominate you, be careful and keep the company of friends. Also, to avoid the inauspicious results of this eclipse, one should feed bread to a dog.

Taurus Horoscope

This solar eclipse will take place in your fifth house. In the horoscope, the fifth house is related to education, Guru, children’s wisdom and also to romance, etc. Therefore, the solar eclipse will affect all these situations of yours. To avoid the inauspicious effects of the eclipse and to ensure auspicious results, one should feed grains to birds. One thing to keep in mind here is that grains should not be fed to pigeons.


This solar eclipse will take place in your fourth house. The fourth house in the birth chart is related to the mother, land, house, and vehicle. Hence, this solar eclipse will affect your relationship with your mother and your land, house, and vehicle. Hence, you may have to work a little harder to get support from your mother in some work. Hence, to avoid the inauspicious effects of the eclipse, you should feed the needy.

Cancer zodiac sign

This solar eclipse will take place in your third house. The third house in the birth chart is related to siblings. Hence, the effect of this solar eclipse will affect your relationship with your siblings. Hence, to avoid the inauspicious effects of this eclipse, you should support religious activities.

Leo Horoscope

This solar eclipse will take place in your second house. In the horoscope, the second house is related to money and nature. Therefore, this eclipse will affect your behavior. Today, while talking to someone, you should take special care of your language. You should keep your money safe. Therefore, to avoid the inauspicious effects of this eclipse, you should donate coconut, coconut oil, or some almonds to a temple or any religious place.

Virgo sun sign

This solar eclipse will take place in your first place i.e. Lagna Sthan. The first place in the birth chart is the place of the self, of the body. Hence, this eclipse will take place on you and your body. Today you will be lacking energy. Hence, to avoid the inauspicious condition of this eclipse, you should offer water to the Sun God.


This solar eclipse will take place in your 12th house. The twelfth house in the horoscope is related to sexual pleasure and your expenses. Hence, this eclipse will affect your sexual pleasure and your expenses. You will face difficulties in getting sexual pleasure and your expenses will increase. Hence, to avoid the inauspiciousness of this eclipse, you should keep the windows and doors of your house open and keep an adequate amount of light in the house.

Scorpio Horoscope

The solar eclipse will take place in your 11th house. The 11th house in the birth chart is related to your income and wish fulfillment. Hence, this eclipse will affect your income and your wishes. You may face difficulty in fulfilling any of your wishes. Hence, to avoid the inauspicious effects of the solar eclipse, keep 5 radishes or 5 almonds at your bedside while sleeping at night and donate them to a temple or religious place the next day.


This solar eclipse will take place in your tenth house. The tenth house in the birth chart is related to your career, father, and state. The effect of this eclipse will be on your own and your father’s career. You may face some difficulties in making decisions regarding your career. Therefore, to avoid the effect of this eclipse, wear a white or sharbati colored cap or turban on your head.


This solar eclipse will take place in your ninth house. The ninth house in the birth chart is related to luck. Hence this eclipse will take place on your luck, your destiny. During this time your luck will not support you completely. So to protect your luck from the effect of the eclipse, you should donate jaggery to the temple.

Aquarius Horoscope

This solar eclipse will take place in your eighth house. The eighth house in the horoscope is related to your age. Hence, this solar eclipse will take place at your age. There may be some fluctuations in your health. So, to avoid the inauspicious effects of this solar eclipse, chant the Gayatri Mantra 108 times.


This solar eclipse will take place in your seventh house. In the horoscope, the seventh house is related to the spouse. Hence, this solar eclipse will affect your relationship with your spouse. Hence, take care of your spouse. To avoid the inauspicious effects of this solar eclipse, one should offer a piece of roti in the fire before having food.

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