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Moscow: Russian President Putin has finally done what the world feared. President Putin has for the first time ordered the deployment of Satan-2, the world’s deadliest nuclear missile, on Ukraine. This has created panic in the whole world. This order from Putin has come at a time when the West is talking about arming Ukraine with nuclear weapons. Before ordering the deployment of Satan-2, the Kremlin, the office of the Russian President, had warned the world that the ‘crazy’ idea of ​​arming Ukraine with nuclear weapons would push the world to the ‘brink of destruction’.



Russia’s Satan-2 missile is the world’s most dangerous nuclear missile, which is capable of carrying dozens of nuclear weapons at once. This nuclear missile weighs 208.1 tons and is capable of carrying multiple warheads. That means it can carry a payload of up to 10 tons. Its range is up to 35,000 kilometers. From this, you can guess how dangerous this missile is. 

Western countries call them the devil of the world

Russia has now named this missile RS-28 Sarmat, but Western countries still know it as Satan-2. Wherever it goes, it is difficult for anyone to escape. After successful testing, Russia has included it in the army from 2023. Russia tested this missile after the war with Ukraine broke out. Although it already had this missile, it has been upgraded a lot according to modern needs. The deployment of Satan-2 aka RS-28 Sarmat has been claimed by Russia’s government agency TASS and Russian Market.