
Today, a blend of an unbalanced lifestyle and poor eating choices have proven to be disastrous.  In the past, elderly people above 65 used to suffer from heart issues, but now we see even youngsters losing their lives to this menace. Because of heart diseases, the heart attack ratio has seen a considerable rise. There are clear indications that show a person is headed towards a hearta attack and these can be identified in a few months before your cardioe gets out of hand. So what are these changes to look out for?

Chest pain:

Surprisingly, even at the onset of a successful heart surgery, heart patients get to experience chest pain When faced with a heart attack, a person is bound to feel an unbearable amount of pressure followed by a tightness in the chest. Neck and face region temperature can get unbearable too. pain in the shoulders starts getting more and more intense and escalates to a freezing feeling in the arms and jaws. If you feel signs like these, consider reaching out to a health expert.


Experiencing extreme lethargy is not uncommon and this is best observed one month prior to dealing with a heart attack. Sometimes, feeling tired even after getting a good amount of sleep is another reason to rush to a medical assistance.

Light headedness:

One feel as is they are afloat around 30 days before he/she is bound to get a cardioe, and prolonged period of being light headed is another emblem.

Sometimes, he feels like he’s about to lose consciousness. During this, he gets lightheaded, experiences headaches, and feels a reduction in blood circulation. At this moment, consulting a physician is mandatory.

Profound breathlessness

Along with heavy breathing, an individual also has trouble with their respiratory system. In case you feel fatigued after performing slight activity or you directly need to gasp for air, this is very likely indicative of an impending heart attack. As previously mentioned, these are clear indicators of needing to see a physician as quickly as possible.

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