
Mixcollage 25 Sep 2024 08 00 Am

Sarvapitre Amavasya is one of the special dates of Pitru Paksha. It is also known as Mahalaya Amavasya. In Hinduism, this day is specially dedicated to the peace of the souls of all ancestors. This date comes on the last day of Shradh Paksha. Let us tell you that, Pitru Paksha runs from the full moon of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month to Amavasya of Ashwin month. At the same time, the Amavasya date is also special because on this day Tarpan (Shraddha) is done for all those ancestors whose Shradh could not be done on a particular date, or whose date of death is not known. Let us know when is this date in the year 2024 and at what time should the ancestors be offered Tarpan on this day. 

Sarvapitre Amavasya date and auspicious time to perform Shradh

In the year 2024, Sarvapitri Amavasya Tithi is on 2 October. Although, Amavasya Tithi will start from 1 October itself, but according to the belief of Udayatithi, it will be right to keep the Shradh of Sarvapitri Amavasya on 2 October. The most auspicious time for Tarpan on this day will be from 1:21 am to 3:43 pm. On this day, Shradh of ancestors can also be done in Kutup Muhurta from 11:45 am to 2:24 pm. 

Importance of Sarvapitri Amavasya
The day of Sarvapitri Amavasya is very special during Pitru Paksha. By performing Shradh on this day, the souls of all the forgotten ancestors also get peace. Along with this, the Shradh of those ancestors whose death date is not known or who died in an accident, natural disaster, etc. is also performed on this day. By performing Shradh and Tarpan for ancestors on this day, you get freedom from Pitra Dosh and stability comes in life. According to beliefs, Shradh Karma performed on this day is very auspicious for your entire family. Along with performing Tarpan for ancestors on this day, you should also donate grains, money, clothes, etc. By doing these works, the souls of ancestors are satisfied and they attain salvation. 

How to perform Tarpan 
On this day, after purifying the place of Tarpan with Gangajal, light a lamp there. Put the picture of your ancestors in that place and meditate on all the ancestors along with those ancestors. After this, offer water to the ancestors. Also, prepare the favorite food of the ancestors on this day and offer this food to them. After this, keep food for Brahmins, cows, crows, etc. also. If you offer Tarpan to the ancestors with this simple method, then their souls attain peace. 

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