
Matri Srap: Life becomes a constant pain when someone suffers an ancestral curse. There are many obstacles in progress and there is never ending conflict within the family. There exist two types of ancestral curses; Pitra Shraap and Matri Shraap. Similarlly, Pitra Shraap, Matri Shraap also causes issues at ever step in life. Matri Shraap or the Mother’s Curse is received when trouble is inflicted on mothers in either this or previous life. In short, Matri Shraap is how a mother’s negative connotation costs you in life, also it’s  far reaching impacts and methods of mitigating its effects.

What is maternal curse?

Mother’s curse damages the life of person beyond imagination. If you inflict pain to someone who is motherly figure, in some or the other form you will have to face its consequences. The outcome can be loss of children, loss of family, or even loss of livelihood in some cases.

Harmful effects of maternal curse

In the context of these restrictions, the major constraints that you are likely to suffer is the feeling of joy when having children.

Because of this defect, a person might have to endure the grief of losing a son. Womb Curse stems from a mother’s anger.

Womb Curse stems from a mother’s anger. How does one know it?

If the lord of the fifth house of the horoscope is placed in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth house. With the ascendant lord being in a low zodiac sign and both the ascendant Zodiak as well as the Moon being in a low, then such a person can be a prey of womb curse.

Unfortunate planets cramped into the fifth house coupled with Saturn, sinister planets seated in the happiness house, the eighth house, and even the expense house suffering from solar calender, do so.

Malefic planets in the fourth house, remained in the blue moon during the fifth, coupled with saturn in the profit house, all serve as maternal nuptial superstition.

When the moon fifth lord is heavily afflicting low zodiac signs with the aid of malign dark spheres, alongside the 4th and 5th houses getting afflicted, the womb is anointed with curse.

If the Lagna has the Lord of the 6th and 8th house, the 4th house lord is in the expenditure house and Jupiter and Moon are joined with the ‘sinful’ planets, this can also indicate a mother’s curse.

If the 8th lord is in the 9th house and the 5th lord is in the 8th house and if the Moon and the 4th lord are in 6th, 8th or 12th house, then this, too, can be a reason for the mother’s curse victimization.

Methods to alleviate the curse a mother places on her children.

To lift the maternal curse, a Brahmin should chant Purush Sukta and Shree Sukta 21 times. After the chanting, one should do parikrama around the Peepal tree and worship it with full devotion. Doing this increases the chances of lifting the curse of a mother.

Chant the Gayatri mantra 11 thousand to 1.25 lakh times. After this, feed a worthy Brahmin and his wife with milk and chanda. Also donate fruits, clothes and rice in a silver bowl.

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