Indian gold prices in sight today the 9th of February have surged upwards, which is witnessed by the report that cites an depressive increase in 24 karat and 22 karat gold. 24-carat went past Rs 1,300 with its overriding value crushing the Rs 79,000 per gram mark, meanwhile, on the 22-carat, it subdvided to Rs 1,200 with the market standing still at Rs 72,430.30 per gram. Over the recent months gold prices have fluctuated a bit but nothing noticeable. In the week 24-carat had recorded a -0.46%, while a -6.11% was detected over the past month.
Now shifting the focus towards silver, there has also been a marginal dip in prices, making Rs 95,500.0 /kg the selling rate. The shift emerged after prices were previously listed at Rs 200.0 per kg. There is an affective transformation between what best serves the investors and buyers as the change was influenced by market trends and the strict domestic demands.
In early 2025, it is expected that gold will still be experiencing short-term price movements. Nevertheless, both investors and gold enthusiasts will remain optimistic towards gold due to its safe-haven appeal, especially if global markets stay frosted with uncertainties.
Check gold prices in different cities on January 9, 2025:
City | 22 Carat Gold Rate (Per 10 gm) | 24 Carat Gold Rate (Per 10 gm) |
Delhi | Rs 72,410 | Rs 79,580 |
Mumbai | Rs 72,260 | Rs 79,445 |
Kolkata | Rs 72,260 | Rs 79,620 |
Chennai | Rs 72,260 | Rs 79,630 |
Ahmedabad | Rs 72,310 | Rs 79,740 |
Pune | Rs 72,260 | Rs 79,445 |
Lucknow | Rs 72,410 | Rs 79,990 |
Bengaluru | Rs 72,260 | Rs 79,665 |
Patna | Rs 72,310 | Rs 79,095 |
Hyderabad | Rs 72,260 | Rs 79,630 |
What makes gold’s price unstable?
By all accounts, Jewellers are able to pull the strings and change the prices of gold. Primarily, gold prices are determined by the local demand and their currency’s exchange rates. To elaborate it further, US currency’s status determines international economic stability, which then has an indirect effect on interest rates, which will then culminate into changing how the Indian market prices gold.