hraddha Kapoor is very active on social media and often shares glimpses of her day along with her life updates. People are able to relate to her social media posts and often say that despite being so popular, she lives like a common person. Due to Shraddha Kapoor 's down to earth behavior, she remains popular among the fans and people say that she is one among us. Now the eyes of the fans are on Shraddha Kapoor's New Year celebration. The diva of the year 2025 started brilliantly and has also shared a glimpse of it with the fans on her Instagram handle. Now these pictures are going viral rapidly and after seeing them people are saying that there cannot be a better start to the new year than this.
Shraddha shared photos
On the beginning of the new year, Shraddha Kapoor did nothing different from the usual. She went to the gym like every day, cuddled the dogs and spent some quality time with the family. On January 1, 2025, Shraddha Kapoor shared four pictures on her Instagram stories, which perfectly describes how her first day of the new year went. The first picture was a glimpse of her from the gym, in which she was seen taking a mirror selfie. It was followed by a picture of soaked dry fruits and blueberries, which she probably ate first thing in the morning. The third picture showed many colorful flowers together, while in the fourth picture she was cuddled with her two pet dogs. Captioning the pictures, she wrote, 'A perfect start to 2025.'
Image Source : INSTAGRAM
Shraddha Kapoor's new year celebration.
Siddhant showed a glimpse
Soon after, his brother, Siddhanth Kapoor also posted an adorable family picture on his social media handle, which was probably taken at a restaurant. Apart from the Kapoor siblings, the picture also featured Priyank Sharma, Padmini Kolhapuri, Tejaswini Kolhapuri Saraswat and many others. Captioning the picture, Sid wrote, "2024 was both intense and beautiful, bringing lots of love, peace and positivity to everyone. Happy New Year to everyone."
appeared in this film
Earlier this month, the 'Stree 2' actress posted several pictures on her Instagram handle, giving a glimpse of her brother Siddhant's birthday celebrations. Shraddha was last seen in 'Stree 2' alongside Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee and Aparshakti Khurana. She will soon be seen working in many more films.