Business tycoon Mukesh Ambani's younger daughter-in-law Radhika Merchant is once again in the headlines. Radhika, who has been in the news since her wedding to Anant Ambani, has been in the limelight even after several months of her marriage. Radhika's every look remains in the news on social media and once again she is making headlines for her latest look. Recently, Radhika partied with her Bollywood friends in Jamnagar, Gujarat, the pictures of which are all over the place. In these pictures, Radhika Merchant is seen in a completely different and beautiful look, which is being discussed a lot.
Radhika's latest look goes viral
Just before the New Year celebration, Radhika Merchant had a party with her friends in Jamnagar, Gujarat, which was very grand and glamorous. Many B-town celebrities were seen in this party with Radhika. From Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor, Oli to Sara Ali Khan and Ananya Pandey, everyone became a part of Radhika's party. Everyone appeared in a very glamorous look in this party. Radhika was also seen partying with friends in an ultra chic look in a red dress. But now her new look is in the headlines.
Mrs Anant Ambani became a mermaid wearing a golden gown
After the party, Radhika Merchant wore a golden deep neck gown from India's famous designer Rimjim Dadu's collection, which was given a fish scales look. In this dress, Ambani family's new daughter-in-law, i.e. Radhika, looked no less than a mermaid. This look of Radhika is a hit among social media users. Users are not tired of praising her look. Radhika kept her golden gown look simple and wore only earrings. Apart from this, she wore Mangalsutra in her hand like a bracelet and carried a scarf with it.
Image Source : INSTAGRAM
Radhika Merchant's new look is in the news
Radhika Merchant shines in new avatar
The inner of this gown worn by Radhika was made of latex, which was giving it a body hugging look. The USP of this entire dress was its neckline, due to which it was getting a completely different look. Deep detailing was given in the back of the dress, due to which it looked even more glamorous and hot. Social media users have also become fans of this look of Radhika. Many users commented and praised that look of Mrs. Anant Ambani.