Reminded of the sensation of being completely abandoned, left passionately forsaken all alone in the deafening silence of a relationship? It is not rare that one could offend his or her partner, by saying something or doing something the partner did not like, only for the partner to clam up and become distant. However, lying low doesn’t have to be the finality of the conversation, or the partnership for that matter. Frequently, it can be simply a silence of some words, to which it is possible to find an equivalent at both behavioral and emotional level. So here are eight steps to guide you in the situation with compromise, kindness, and tolerance:
Take Me-Time: Recharge Your Own Batteries
Very often people are wrong when consider the silence as the punishment; sometimes it is an opportunity. Do not spend your time worrying about the silence – just free your mind and pay attention to yourself. Do things that make you happy and less stressed; perhaps watch your favorite movie, cook your favorite dish, read a book or start that series you’ve been postponing to start. What ‘time-for-me’ is not an avoidance of the problem –but, it is about taking a healthy care of oneself. A fresh mind and a warm heart works well when handling the situation this way round. Also, your partner may just like seeing you do the above, it will also make them improve and become better.
Humor: The Ultimate Icebreaker
That is why, if tension rises, jokes are your best friend. To break the silence, the Mundane’s best friend is a mere simple joke, a silly meme, or a ridiculous story. However, do not overdo the message – it’s best to avoid sarcasm and passive aggression which only exacerbates the situation. Except try to pick something that is actually funny, like a joke that the two of you have only, a silly moment that the two of you fondly remember. You do not want to leave yourself open to getting your head bitten off, even if your partner does not start laughing, a smile, or an eye roll may just get the conversation started.
Send a Thoughtful Message
Now and then, it is easy to fall into the trap of verbally sensitized communication that may be physically done face-to-face. A simple text as a tool may well become a means to comprehend. An example of this might be, “I can tell that something’s bothering you and wanted to know when you’d like to speak about it.” This helps your partner to ‘cool off’ and at the same time lets him or her see that you are easy going and ready for a calm and collected conversation. The use of written communication can be less aggressive and it always creates an opportunity for people to start to talk.
Food as a Love Language
Who hasn’t heard that food has this ability to heal, to calm, that it brings people together? Whether it’s making the breakfast they like each morning, brewing the coffee they prefer, or bringing in a cookie s that may make them feel better, food has a language of its own. That warm plate full of cookies or a slice of the most preferred cheesecake is such a wonder when it comes to small talk. Food brings care, and it may be the key to an open conversation about how not to misinterpret things in the future.
Playful Gestures, Not Pressure
Sometimes words fail to fill those awkward silences, if food and comedy don’t work you could send them a meme, an amusing GIF, or a reel with an inside joke you have shared before. Such actions can make people know you care for them and not just give a one-sided expectation of a relationship. Don’t overdo it; it is rather invasive to send out messages frequently to the kids. He maintained it simple, friendly, and infrequent enough making the recipient realize he remembered them without necessarily expecting a response.
Avoid the Silent Showdown
At times, when the person you are in a relationship with withdraws, it becomes easy to follow the same example and engage in a duel of silence. But don’t do that—the move only further polarizes everything. However, you should avoid a low point by not reacting aggressively to the situation in question. Next, make sure this message is received clearly as you tell your partner you are ready to talk and ask whether they need be alone for awhile. As much as you want to force an issue, just tell them that you will be there for them whenever they are willing to sort it out.
Respect Their Need for Space
Silence isn’t always about you. Sometimes it is just how your partner manages their feelings and finds a way to address them. This will help them to cool their tempers or perhaps take time and come to terms with their anger. Let them feel as far away from you as they want, but to your feelings – let them be close. It should be understood that they should be given a soft check in and then assured that you are available for them when they are willing. Just wait for them during this time—your gestures are clear indications of having adult patience and allowing them the space they need.
The Power of a Warm Hug
Some times actions more specific to touching a person says a lot of things that words cannot express. It also works the opposite way, when the time is just right, a hug is much better than saying anything. It’s the way we try to find some kind of attachment, solace and affection. However, timing is everything. If your partner is still emotionally distant don’t rush toward physical closeness it will only push them into a corner. However, there is always a time when it seems appropriate to hug them and hug them close, and such an action breaks the coldest silence and draws attention to the fact that you are together.
Why Silent Treatment Happens in Relationships
Most people still think that silent treatment is a result of anger or as a way of punishing the other person. More frequently, it arises from feelings like anger, resentments, frustrations or even sadness. By knowing the cause you get to handle the situation with some degree of tolerance. Do you have any signs that your partner is stressed with something outside his or her control? Did you say something that has opened up a hurt cause? By trying to understand just what might be making this person so silent, you then remain in a better position to answer in such a way as healing takes place instead of making things worse.
How to Maintain Healthy Communication
Thus to avoid sitution where silent treatment reoccurs, there must be set practices between you and your partner when it comes to communication. For conflicts, be sure to listen fully and attentively, share your emotions objectively, and resolve a disagreement once it occurs. Thus, creating trust between you can prevent misunderstandings and open the ways for cooperation in problems solving. Never forget that communication is the key to relations, it’s the thing that keeps the relations alive.
Read More: How to Handle Political Differences in a Relationship