During a conference, Yogi Adityanath, the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, made an announcement that the state government would be getting back all the land that had been taken in the name of waqf. He made this statement when addressing a conference as a speaker titled “Maha Kumbh Mahasammelan” alongside a private news channel in Lucknow. Further in his statement, he argued that the belief system of Sanatan, the religion in which he identifies, is the depiction of the oldest culture in the of the world, and that it cannot be compared to any religion or sect going forward.
“Culture and spiritualism is a word that defines my being as a whole, I come from a long lineage of people whose heritage dates back to thousands of years. The very belief Sanatan traditions is something that cannot be put against anything,” Adityanath, as quoted by an official statement, said.
When talking about the Waqf Board, he made inferrments that were quite sharp when he said, “Waqf Board or a board of land mafias, I canguation say. The government, on the other hand, has updated the Waqf Act and is looking into all the areas that have been claimed as “occupied.” I mean, it’s not easy to say whether,”
He claimed: “Everything that has been taken in the name of Waqf will be returned, and that land will be used to create homes, educational institutions, and hospitals for the underprivileged.”
Sanatan Dharma’s Kumbh tradition, according to Yogi, is much older than the Waqf institution, as he draws from the religion’s ancient roots. sanatan dharma claim “the ocean’s depth is significantly greater than their status”
As far as the Chief Minister Hope Adityanath Adityanath is concerned, the Samajwadi Party (SP) and its representatives have been sharply defeated, as they have not been able to observe the ideal of (socialist leader) Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia.
“I want to look at how sites of religious significance is politicised, rather than, in the same manner and suppose one is lay me.” he recalled that the Puranas regard Sambhal, in their regard, which says, “If one wants to measure India, measure Ram, Krishna, and Shiva traditions.”
He denounced any efforts to vandalize on the religious sites by saying, “Our government acted ruthlessly in balance of the court’s injunction and clearly punished the rioters.” Commenting on the situation in Ayodhya, he asserted, “We made Ayodhya the epicenter of the progressing city and the city of the past. Those who opposed Ayodhya’s development in the past should not dare to go to the city in this time.”
On religious conversion and “ghar wapsi”, he remarked, “If some people sincerely feel so, and want to shift back to their previous religion, they should be encouraged. This is an understanding of one’s religion and custom and its sensitivity.” As it concerns consolidation of the nation as well as of Hindus, Adityanath observed that Sanatana Dharma has continue to occupy the principal position, because the oneness of Hindus is the oneness of the country.
“He who does not see division has history witness to him, it has always brought about weakness to be unitedhas made us strong. And that is why I have always said, ‘Battenge to katenge, ek rahenge to nek rahenge’,” he said.
Shifting to the opposition, Yogi accused sections of the opposition of trying to caste and religion division in the society which were anti nation elements working against the country.
He claimed that the citizens of the nation have become more intelligent and are not easily swayed by such tactics any longer.
He outlined the importance of the Maha Kumbh in detail during the event and added that following the Devasura Sangram there existed four notable locations namely Prayagraj, Haridwar, Ujjain and Nashik due to drops of Amrit falling there.
He further added that these sites will allow the native to further their knowledge and reshape the ideology and social pattern of the country during the Maha Kumbh.
In his own words, he stated that the Maha Kumbh is beyond a mere religious congregation and serves as a reflection of India’s culture and its people.
Adityanah stressed that during the cultural event, sages from across India will sit together and discuss the political and social status of their period making the event not just ceremonial but vital for preserving culture for the years to come.
He appreciated Narandra Modi’s leadership skills and elaborated that “The organization of Mela Kumbh is an excellent compilation of India's history and present day economics.” Following with the 2019 Prayagraj Kumbh Adityanath discussed the seamless amalgamation of modern technology alongside efficient management.
“With all your help, we will do our best to maintain the same balance while we conduct the forthcoming Maha Kumbh” he stated.
He pointed out that the UP administration together with the Central government has undertaken many initiatives to make the Maha Kumbh grand and well prepared.
“This cultural extravaganza intends to reach not only the Indian populace but the international community too. It is a perfect moment for India to project its culture in the international arena,” he added.
“Such a program is no respector of caste or creed or gender. Similarly, the Maha Kumbh will be a great showcase of the journey India has taken in the last ten years under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“This serves as a testimony of the affluence of India, the civilization and the spirituality of India Adityanath”.
He said that some of them, “who were devouring the leftovers in foreign countries” are trying to defame the country, accusing them of politicizing caste.Preethi said, however, that the Indian society has grown lamer, and now such vicious attempts would not work out.
“As of now, it is not the people of Uttar Pradesh who are running away from the state the mafia and the criminals are,” he said.