Equity benchmark indices opened flat in early trades on January 8, as the global market cues were mixed on Wednesday. The 30-share BSE Sensex was up by 11.57 points, reaching 78,210.68, however, the nifty also rose slightly to 23,711.95 by 4.05 points.
Some of the global events such as increased treasury yields along with an unexpected upsurge in the hiring New Year’s over December have triggered a kind of mode drop, discouraging investors. These events lowered the social indexes overnight thus resulting in high national restraints for Indian investors.
As per the NSO India Growth Growth Report, it is predicted that the Indian economy’s growth will decelerate to roughly 6.4% for FY25, below the percentage of 6.6% expected by the reserve bank of India. This in turn would translate to a drop in the GDP growth recorded for FY24, which would stand at 8.2%.
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