Mahakumbh 2025: The Maha Kumbh, the one conducted every 12 years, commenced in Prayagaraj at the Triveni Sangam on Monday – February 26. Official estimates state that 1.75 crore devotees bathed at the Sangam on Monday, whereas 1.38 crore had bathed by Tuesday afternoon. CM Adityanath disclosed that the obscene amount of 3.5 crore devotees had taken a holy dip in Sangam as of today evening on Makar Sankranti.
” As the holy ‘Makar Sankranti’` at the historic new location of ‘Mahakumbh-2025 Prayagraj’ is being performed, I extend heartiest greetings to all saints, Kalpvasis & devotees who performed the holy dip. I am particular happy to note that the revered saints/devotees have earned the holy benefit of bathing in the unclogged Triveni at the first Amrit Snan festival. At least 35 million revered saints and/or devotees have participated”.
Following the Kumbh Mela, a big thank you for the efforts put into this event, goes to everyone involved in organizing, administrating and managing all the departments ranging from the Akharas and Kendra Sadan, all the way to religion and boating, including sanitation workers, the police and voluntary organizations to name a few. The people of the state deserve this praise the most.
He further continued do good deeds let us go to the Maha Kumbh.
Amrit Snan
Devotees were also seen moving in groups towards the jansankhya where men carried their babies on their shoulders, accompanied by mothers assisting their aged parents. Chanting “Har Har Mahadev,’ “ Jai Shri Ram’’ and “Jai Ganga Maiyya,” many Naga seniors starred the Amrit Snan on the Ganesh Ghatoswhich took off around 3 am during the Brahma Mahurat with freezing water from the Triveni Sangam. Also, Naga sadhus smeared with ash and hoards who were wielding spears and tridents paraded on horses to the Shahi Snan .