
Mixcollage 05 Nov 2024 02 07 Pm

Some lines on the hand are considered auspicious and some inauspicious. It is said that a person’s fate is written in his palm. Information about a person’s future is obtained through the lines on the hand. The mounts in the palm are said to be the key to the mysteries of the human soul. There are nine mounts related to the planets in the palm, which include Jupiter mount, Saturn mount, Sun mount, Mercury mount, Mars mount, Moon mount, Venus mount, Rahu mount, and Ketu mount. Astrologer Chirag Daruwala will tell you what results the sitting of the nine planets gives in your palm.

The meeting of the nine planets in the palm gives such results:

  • The first finger of the hand is called the index finger, which is also called the finger of Jupiter, the place below it is called Guru Parvat. To strengthen Jupiter, topaz is worn in a gold ring on this finger.
  • The second finger of the hand which is the largest finger is called the middle finger. In palmistry, it is called the Saturn finger. The mountain below this finger is called Saturn Mountain.
  • The third finger of the hand is called the ring finger. The ring finger is called the Sun finger, and the mountain below this finger is called the Sun mountain.
  • The fourth finger of the hand is called the little finger and it is called the finger of Mercury, the mountain below it is called Mount Mercury.
  • The raised area between the third knuckle of the thumb and the lifeline is called Venus Mount.
  • The area in front of Venus Mount, above the Manibandh lines, and across the Lifeline is called Chandra Parvat.
  • The place between Venus Mount and Jupiter Mount is called Mars Mount.
  • The place between Mercury Mountain and Moon Mountain is called Ketu Mountain.
  • The area in front of Ketu Parvat, which is also called the pit of the palm, is called Rahu Parvat. It is usually located below Saturn and Surya Parvat.

You get these benefits:

In whichever hand any mount is missing, that person lacks the qualities of that particular planet. If the mount is normally developed, then the qualities of that planet are found in the person in general and if the mount is more developed, then the qualities of that planet are specially found in the person.

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