
The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, has recently been quoted on state media saying he ordered a nuclear attack preparedness drill to be conducted. This was issued after he claimed to have been supervising a test launch of strategic cruising missiles.

According to KCNA, the purpose of the test was to highlight “the readiness of its various nuke operation means” and showcase to the “enemies” the possible consequences they would face if they continue to foster insubordination.

As quoted by KCNA, Un’s claim highlights this state’s major military spending enables them to ensure their autonomy to deter outside forces attempting to breathe insignificance into them.

DPRK does indeed stand for “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.” But it is a label the North regards that ignores its troubling authoritarian government.

The news also stated that the test took place on Wednesday during the sea border of the western side of the Korean peninsula.

South Korea's military stated that it detected missile launches and tracked several cruise missiles mid flight. This occurred after South Korea noted missile launch preparations on a Wednesday morning at 8 AM (2300 GMT Tuesday).

Over the years, North Korea has worked on creating strategic cruise missiles specially made for nuclear warhead carrying.

The type of missile that North Korea uses is not as highly regarded as ballistic missiles that are condemned and dreaded due to them lacking a formal ban from the UN Security Council.

The Security Council has placed restrictions on North Korea banning the country from developing ballistic missiles or nuclear weapons alongside giving multiple sanctions for doing so.

The missile test was conducted the same week Kim decided to visit military schools showcasing loyalty and ideological and tactical skill building of junior military officers.

Kim did not specify a specific country that needed a warning but did mention that he had kept strong language towards South Korea and the United States even when President Donald Trump said he would reach out to him.

During the term of the US president's first time in office, Kim and Trump conducted summits that were considered out of the ordinary.


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