Fraudsters always look for innovative ideas to lure their target and make them pay. A common scam includes threatening the customer into blocking a phone number while masquerading as an official employee from the Department of Telecommunications.
PIB Fact Check has discredited such scams and alerted users in one of the posts that they shared on X. According to the post, any call supposedly coming from Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is a hoax since DoT never calls users such people.
How does this scam work
As is the case with most scams, the workflow for this scam is quite simple. The scammer’s work begins by calling the target and introducing themselves as an operator from the DoT. They go ahead to ask an ill-known set of questions before claiming that some illegal activity has been done using their phone number. They follow this up with a threat of blocking their number if they do not share certain information with them.
For many, paring even a single dollar of lose can be a very difficult task. Regardless, I do recommend to keep in mind this is a scam every now and then.
Undo your panic mode, avoid responding
Keeping calm and easing your head is an excellent means of averting payment scams. An immediate response to the call will will give the scammer the edge and make it easier for them to force you into making a payment or further sharing details that might compromise your integrity.
Contact them
Immediately head on to the cybercrime department at http://cybercrime.gov.in to dicuss these further. Consider reporting a call or text by simply calling 1930 from your cell.
Crosscheck these numbers
Such mobile numbers may be validated at httpss//sancharsaathi.gov.in so you may.
Read More: FBI Warns Against Cyber Scam Involving Free Online File Converters and Downloader Tools