
Numerology 7 January 2025: Today is the Ashtami Tithi of Paush Shukla Paksha and Tuesday. Ashtami Tithi will remain till 4:27 pm today. Shiva Yoga will remain till 11:16 pm tonight. Also, Revati Nakshatra will remain till 5:50 pm today. Number Jyotish is called Numerology in English words. Let us know from Acharya Indu Prakash how will be the day for all the people with numbers from 1 to 9 on the basis of date of birth.

  • Radix 1- You will get benefits in the workplace, you can get respect today.
  • RADIX NUMBER 2- The financial situation will be better, there can be sudden monetary gain.
  • Number 3- You will spend good time with family, sweetness will remain in relationships.
  • Number 4- If you are looking for a job then there is a possibility of getting a job today with the help of a friend.
  • Radix 5- You will get the fruits of your hard work in the workplace and business, which will make you happy.
  • Number 6- Today all the family members can organize a function together.
  • Number 7- If you are in a distance relationship then you will get a chance to meet today.
  • Number 8- Today you will spend the evening with your family, everyone will enjoy it.
  • Number 9- Your health will be good today, you will feel energetic.

In this way, you can know your birth number- 

For example, if your date of birth is 22, 4 and 13, then your Root Number will be 4. Method of finding Root Number: If your date of birth is 22, then multiplying it by 2+2 will give 4.