Recently, India was ranked 105th in the Global Hunger Report-2024 Index. Now the central government has given its answer to this in the Lok Sabha. The government said that the measurement of hunger used in the Global Hunger Report-2024 Index is “flawed” and does not reflect the real situation of India. The government stressed that it is making serious efforts to solve the issue of malnutrition.
India was given the 105th position.
India has been ranked 105th out of 127 countries in the study released by Concern Worldwide, Welt Hunger Hilf,e and the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict.
These components cannot be included in the end. Ex.
Junior Consumer Affairs, F, food and Public Distribution Minister Nimuben Jayantibhai Bambhaniya said, “The Global Hunger Index is a flawed measure of the scale of ‘hunger’ and does not reflect the real situation in India. Three of the four component indicators (stunting, was, ting, and child mortality) relate to child health and cannot be taken to reflect hunger in the population.
The improvementnt compared to 2023
He said, “India’s ranking has improved in 2024 as compared to 2023, which is mainly due to improvement in the fourth component indicator of the indicator, i.e. Prevalence of Undernutrition (POU).” In last year’s Global Hunger Report, India was ranked 111 out of 125 countries.
Addressing the challenges of malnutrition
The minister said, “Efforts on Anganwadi services and Supplementary Nutrition Programme under Poshan Abhiyaan have been re-launched and integrated as ‘Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0′”. “It aims to address the challenges of malnutrition among children, adolescents, pregnant women, and lactating mothers through strategic shifts in nutrition content and delivery, as well as creating an integrated ecosystem to develop and promote practices that promote health, wellness, and immunity,” he added.
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