
Oscars 2025: Photos and videos from the Oscars 2025 are all over social media and are likely to grab your attention. One video that attracts attention is of two Hollywood stars reenacting an incident from 22 years ago that caused controversy, along with headlines throughout that year. We’re referring to Halle Berry and Adrian Brody, who yet again, astounded people with an open kiss.

The twist is that he got heavily criticized for this in 2003, while in 2025, where this was reproduced, everyone seems to love the idea. A couple of hours before the event started, Halle Berry walked up to Adrian and kissed him after speaking to him. She also posted on Instagram claiming that the video is her “payback.”

Kiss that was redone after 22 years

In 2003, when Brody was awarded an Oscar for Best Actor for 'The Pianist', he shocked the audience by kissing Halle Berry on stage in front of the whole auditorium.

Years later Oscar also posted the video on his Instagram page with caption ‘The same moment again after 22 years. #Oscars’. Although this event sparked a lot of controversy many years ago, people seem to have appreciated this video now. Fans are also reacting to the video.  

The video undoubtedly stole fans hearts  

In the video, we can watch Adrian Brody talking to the press on the red carpet and suddenly receives a hug and kiss from Halle Berry. Adrian receives this gesture happily and everyone at the event starts cheering. What is special is that Brody's girlfriend Georgina Chapman also took it in a light-hearted mood and was busy laughing and clapping. Brody reveals Georgina Simon is on Whatsapp. Meanwhile, Chapman was teasing Brody claiming, “Sorry!” To note this time, along with all other Oscar moments, there are many which will be the most popular and will never be forgotten.

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