WHO Warns Against India Syrup : The problem of cough and sputum is increasing day by day due to changing environment. In such a situation, a cough medicine in India is said to be poisonous. So try these 6 home remedies. Best Cough Syrup : WHO has called this cough …
Read More »Benefits of drinking turmeric water, joint pain from liver disease will also disappear
Benefits of drinking turmeric water, joint pain from liver disease will also disappear Turmeric is used in every home. Not just for taste, this spice has been used for various purposes since time immemorial. The antiseptic medicinal properties of turmeric are helpful in keeping us away from many diseases. Drinking turmeric water on …
Read More »Eye Flu: Eye flu havoc in half the country! From children to elders everyone is troubled, expert told how to avoid it?
Eye Flu treatment: From Delhi to Bihar and from Gujarat to Maharashtra, people are roaming around with red eyes. Monsoon has come early this time in all these states and as if it has come with the intention of staying for a long time. Water filled everywhere and humidity and moisture in …
Read More »Skin Care: Apply this gel on the face before sleeping at night, you will get glowing skin like heroine
Aloe Vera For Glowing Skin: We often want to look beautiful like our favorite celebrities, but it is highly possible that we do not follow the beauty routine like them, so if a woman wants her face to look beautiful like a Bollywood actress, then For this it is not necessary …
Read More »Cholesterol Symptoms: If these 5 signs appear in the body then understand that cholesterol is becoming fatal
Cholesterol Symptoms: High cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia is such a health problem, whose symptoms may not be very obvious and painful, but due to this you may have to face serious problems like heart stroke or heart attack. Due to high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other heart related diseases can also …
Read More »Drinking whiskey mixed with soda or water is right or dangerous, know what experts say
How to drink whiskey and red wine: We all know that ‘alcohol is injurious to health’. But still, the number of people who drink it is huge. Be it happiness or sorrow, those who are fond of spilling jam just find an opportunity to drink it. There are many types …
Read More »Chai Benefits: Add these special things in your tea to relieve tension, diabetes will also be controlled
Chai benefit: corers of peoples in India are crazy . In some peoples, its craze is seen a different level, however Tea has a advantages and disadvantages as well. Benefits of Tea: corers of peoples in India are crazy . In some peoples, its craze is seen a different …
Read More »Monsoon Diet: Don’t eat these fruits by mistakes, side effects in monsoon it will cause harm instead of benefits, Acts like poison in the body.
Avoid Monsoon Fruits: During rainy season our digestive power of all us becomes weaker than before .In such situations you should never consume even by mistakes .otherwise it will not take long to you fall sick. Digestive process slow down in rainy season: According to health expert, the supply …
Read More »Food to Avoid with Tea: Do not eat these things even by mistakes with tea, it can be a big diseases:
Drinking Tea Daily: Eating biscuits with tea can also have negative effects on us. Lets us tell you here what are the disadvantages of eating biscuits with tea. Disadvantages of Drinking Tea Daily: Eating biscuits with tea can also have negative effects. This is because the biscuit combined with the …
Read More »Olive oil Benefits: Olive oil benefits from heart to brain, can be used for these 5 reasons:
Benefits of olive oil: Olive oil is definitely a bit expensive as compared to other oils, but if you know about its benefits then you will never think to spend a minute before spending money. Benefits of Olive oil: Olive oil is very beneficial for our health. Even though …
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