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Home / Business / Chemical in the name of perfume, how to know whether the perfume is real or fake!

Chemical in the name of perfume, how to know whether the perfume is real or fake!


Real Perfume: Kannauj district, known as Nagari, is known for the fragrance of its perfume. It is very difficult to identify the purity and impurity of a perfume by its smell. But usually its quality can be checked in some way. Or simply say that you can tell a slight difference between real and completely fake and know what will be the percentage of quality and purity. Because many chemicals have entered the perfume industry. After smelling which it is becoming impossible to recognize the smell of real perfume.

When the perfume is completely ready, it is sent to the Sugandha and Suras Development Center in Kannauj. It is tested at FFDC. When it is said that it is completely pure. Only then does it come for sale in stores. But even now when people come to buy perfume they try their old recipe, whether it is original or some kind of adulteration. To do this, even today people put it on their tongue to see how pure it is. Then he buys perfume.

How to identify attar is real or fake
Vital perfumes can be tested very easily. There is sweetness in what comes first. It tastes sweet only after placing it on the tongue. If it tastes different, it’s not real. If you want to know whether the rose is pure or impure, then if both of these perfumes have strong fragrance, then they are fake. Because good and pure perfume does not have strong fragrance.

What do perfume traders say?
Perfume businessmen Nishish Tiwari and Shiva say that it is very difficult to identify real and fake perfumes. But there is some subtlety in it, knowing which the difference between its being impure and pure can be known to some extent. For example, a real perfume may not have much fragrance. It will have a very wet smell and the fake perfume will have a very strong smell and when the perfume is placed on the tongue the perfume will give a slight bitterness. Whereas, the fragrance of kewra and rose leaves a slight sweetness on the tongue.