Friday , September 20 2024

You also drink water before drinking tea… then know whether you are doing wrong or right?


Drinking water before tea: You must have often seen the elders in the house drinking a glass of water before drinking tea. It is customary, especially in North India, that people drink water before drinking tea. In such a situation, the question arises that is it just a myth or is there any logic behind it? Actually, people often take tea and coffee as an energy booster. Especially in India, if you are happy then tea, if you are stressed then tea or coffee, if you are feeling tired then strong tea. So let us tell you why it is necessary to drink water before drinking tea or coffee?

So why do people drink water before drinking tea?

To overcome the problem of acidity

Drinking too much tea-coffee or too much tea-coffee on an empty stomach can cause acidity problems. In such a situation, most people drink water so that the acid produced in the stomach can be prevented by drinking tea. Stomach gets very upset due to acidity. So try drinking water a few minutes before drinking tea. There is a lot of relief in acidity.

body stays hydrated

Drink a glass of water before drinking tea or coffee. This is said because drinking too much tea and coffee can dehydrate the body. In such a situation, if you drink water before tea or coffee, then your body will remain hydrated.

toothache won’t start

Drinking too much tea or coffee can cause dental problems. Caffeine contains chemicals called tannins which cause tooth decay. In such a situation, when you drink too much tea or coffee, its layer is formed on the teeth. If you drink water before drinking tea, tooth decay will be cured and it will protect you. Also, you will not have any problem related to stomach.

does not affect health

If you have a habit of drinking water before tea or coffee, then caffeine will not affect your body badly. So always keep one thing in mind, whenever you take caffeinated drinks, always drink water.

ulcer problem

Drinking tea on an empty stomach has a very bad effect on health. Along with this, the chances of getting ulcers also increase. So if you feel like drinking tea in the morning, then first of all drink a glass of water. Drink tea only after this. It will keep you away from diseases and troubles.