Thursday , September 19 2024

Weight Loss: Lose Weight In 3 Weeks? So start drinking this masala tea every morning


reduce weight: Once you gain weight, you will see a star in the day to reduce it. Because losing extra weight is not an easy task. To lose weight one has to follow heavy workout and diet plan. But in today’s lifestyle, people do not have enough time to spend hours in the gym and follow a diet. If you have the same condition and still you want to lose weight fast, then today we tell you about a special tea. By drinking this tea daily, belly and waist fat will disappear quickly.

Cinnamon is such a thing that removes belly and waist fat quickly. You must have used cinnamon many times in cooking. The use of cinnamon increases the taste of food. But cinnamon will also help you lose weight. Drinking cinnamon tea every morning helps in quick weight loss.

To make cinnamon tea, first heat a glass of water on the gas. When the water boils, add cinnamon. Boil it for five minutes and then turn off the gas. After this add honey and lemon to it and keep drinking it. If you keep consuming like this daily, then the weight will start reducing soon.


Other Benefits of Cinnamon

Drinking cinnamon tea not only reduces weight but also gives relief in joint pain. If the problem of joint pain is high, a paste of cinnamon can be made and applied on the joints.

Cinnamon is also very beneficial for those who have diabetes. Drinking cinnamon tea in the morning keeps blood sugar under control.

People who have stomach problems should also consume cinnamon. Consuming cinnamon gives relief from problems like constipation and gas.

Drinking cinnamon powder mixed with hot milk increases the immunity of the body.