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Home / Health / Vitiligo: If you are troubled by white spots, then do not eat these things, white patches may increase

Vitiligo: If you are troubled by white spots, then do not eat these things, white patches may increase

Vitiligo 660

Food To Avoid in White Patches:  You must have often seen that some people have white spots on their face or other parts of the body, this is called vitiligo in English. Let us tell you that Vitiligo is a skin disorder due to which the skin loses its color. In this, smooth white areas are visible on a person’s skin. If you have vitiligo in your hairy areas, your body hair may also turn white. This condition occurs when the melanocytes are destroyed by the body’s immune system. Melanocytes are skin cells that produce melanin. Melamiv is the chemical that gives your skin its color and pigmentation.

How does vitiligo progress?

Vitiligo usually starts with a few small white spots which can gradually spread throughout the body over several months. Vitiligo usually begins on the hands, arms, legs, and face, but can develop on any part of the body, including the mucous membranes (the moist lining of the mouth, nose, genital and rectal areas), eyes, and inner ears.

Sometimes larger spots continue to spread and spread, but usually, they remain in the same place for many years. The location of small macules shifts and changes over time, as some areas of the skin lose and regain their pigment. The amount of skin affected by vitiligo varies; some patients have fewer white spots on their body and some have more.

People suffering from vitiligo should not eat these things.
Although there is no medically approved special diet for patients suffering from vitiligo, many studies show that some people have negative effects on eating certain things, especially Typically those that contain hydroquinone-reducing agents. Everyone’s body is different and may respond differently to certain foods.

-Fruit juice
-Red meat
-Wheat products
-Sour things