Friday , September 20 2024

Vitamin deficiency: These symptoms are seen due to vitamin deficiency, eat these things to avoid diseases


Vitamin Deficiency: The body needs all the nutrients to stay healthy for a long time. Deficiency of any vitamin in the body can lead to serious problems. That’s why you should include such things in your diet, which can provide all the vitamins to the body.

Due to the lack of nutrients in the body, the immunity becomes weak, due to which you become a victim of many diseases. In such a situation, you may have to face problems related to skin, hair, muscles or eyes. However, with the right diet and lifestyle changes, you can make up for these essential nutrients. Let us know what are the symptoms of vitamin deficiency in the body.

These symptoms appear due to vitamin deficiency.

blurred vision at night

When there is a deficiency of Vitamin-A in the body, the night vision decreases or stops appearing. If this disease is not treated on time, then you can become a victim of blindness.

To meet the deficiency of Vitamin-A in the body, include green leafy vegetables, carrots, curd, soybean etc. in your diet.

skin problems

Vitamin deficiency can also cause skin problems. Due to deficiency of zinc, vitamin B6 in the body, crust starts forming on the skin. Apart from this, you may also suffer from hair problems.

Whole grains, dairy products, fruits, etc. should be consumed regularly to keep skin and hair healthy.

bleeding gums

Gums also become weak due to lack of vitamins in the body. In such a situation, bleeding starts many times. This problem occurs due to the deficiency of Vitamin-C. To overcome the deficiency of this nutrient in the body, include citrus fruits like orange, lemon in the diet. Due to which your immune system will remain strong and you can also avoid many diseases.