Friday , September 20 2024

Vitamin B12 Foods: Vitamin B12 is available not only in non-veg, but also in veg


Vitamin B12 Foods: And when it comes to the question of what kind of food to take for Vitamin B12, naturally non-veg foods are heard. The reason is that it is rich in Vitamin B12. And when it comes to the question of what is the status of vegetarians then there is no need to worry much. Vitamin B12 is also found in vegetarian food. Those details are for you..

Meat is no longer the only option for vitamin B12, which is important for body composition, health and growth. Vitamin B12 can also be obtained without fish, eggs and meat. Health experts say that some vegetable products are also rich in vitamin B12. Many problems can arise if vitamin B12 is not taken in sufficient quantity. Many people experience morning sickness when they wake up in the morning feeling extremely tired, lethargic at work, and sleepy. These symptoms appear due to the deficiency of Vitamin B12.

Therefore, vitamin B12 deficiency should be considered a serious problem. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause numbness in the legs or arms. Actually, vitamin B12 is found in abundance in red meat, chicken, fish and eggs. But vegetarians need not worry. Vitamin B12 is also found in some types of vegetarian foods. Let us find out which vegetarian foods contain vitamin B12.


Oatmeal..this is a wonderful healthy food. Doctors recommend that it is better to take it in the morning with breakfast. Oatmeal in breakfast will give you energy for the whole day. There is no fatigue and weakness.

Dairy products are also rich in vitamin B12. Its quantity is especially high in milk, which is called super food. Milk contains many nutrients including vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is also available. Waking up every morning and drinking milk gives good results.


Yogurt is another rich source of Vitamin B12. Food that cannot be grown in India is not perfect. It is rich in Vitamin B12. vitamin b12 Along with this, minerals like sodium, magnesium and potassium are also available. By eating curd, the body gets all the nutrients it needs. But it is better to eat curd without fat. Otherwise fat may accumulate and cholesterol problems may occur. cholesterol in return Causes high blood pressure and heart disease.