Thursday , September 19 2024

Vastu Tips: Vastu Tips: How To Drive Away Evil Spirits From Home


Vastu Tips: Home is a place where we feel comfortable. In whose house do they live the happiest? If you go to any village, you will not stay there. It is natural to think that it is better to stay at home. Such a house gives them mental happiness. If there is positive energy in our house then everything will be fine. If we have the same negative energy then our mind will not be stable. If there are evil spirits in the house, then its consequences are also serious. It is good to be aware of this and take precautions.

What are the symptoms of demons?

There are also some opposite signs that indicate the presence of evil spirits in the house. Waking up suddenly in the middle of the night. heart palpitation. Plants and flowers die in the house. Builds a solid nest. Things go missing in the house. The headache is constant. Water drips from a tap. There is a rattling sound when windows and doors are opened and closed. Something unknown is haunting. Sometimes the milk overflows. Anger increases in the family members.

increasing negative energy

Don’t create chaos in the house. Dirty clothes should not be thrown anywhere. Idols of God should not be kept face to face. The little mistakes that we make, they harm us. If we follow some measures to prevent evil spirits from entering the house, we get good results.

Ways to avoid ghosts

If there is an abode of ghosts in the house, then as a remedy, keep camphor in a bowl in the washroom. It is good to have a fountain in the North-East. Add sea salt to the household cleaning water. Add cloves and camphor and roast them at home. Make sure that air and light come in freely. Do not keep used and damaged items.