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“Unveiling the Shivshakti Sunrise: A New Dawn of Hop

Exploring the Awaited Shivshakti Point Sunrise on the Moon

The world eagerly awaits the moment when the Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover on the moon will spring back to life as the dawn breaks over the southern pole of the moon. This much-anticipated event signals the onset of a new phase in their mission, as they will start receiving energy from the scorching sun. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has revealed that if a sufficient amount of sunlight falls on both their solar panels, they will awaken from their slumber and resume their tasks. Currently, the Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover are in receiver-on mode, while other instruments remain switched off. On September 22nd, the attempt to establish contact with Vikram will be made, as by then, the solar panels will have recharged. The moon’s southern pole will bask in sunlight for the next 14 to 15 days.

Vikram Lander in Sleep Mode Since September 4th

The Vikram Lander entered sleep mode on September 4th, shutting down its payloads. However, the receiver was left on. Notably, before entering sleep mode, the Vikram Lander had hopped about 40 meters from its initial landing spot, the Shivshakti Point. This successful landing has opened up new possibilities, such as the potential for future missions to the moon’s surface and the possibility of return journeys. India is the first country to land a spacecraft near the moon’s southern pole. The primary objective of this mission is to explore the scientifically intriguing region, which is believed to contain significant water deposits. Before entering sleep mode, the Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover conducted various experiments on the moon’s surface and soil, unveiling several mysteries.

The Significance of the Moonrise

The sunrise on the moon holds paramount importance for the Chandrayaan-3 mission, as it will provide the necessary warmth for the lander and rover to function. ISRO has stated that they will wait for the temperature to rise above a certain threshold before commencing communication attempts on September 22nd. Launched on July 14, 2023, the Chandrayaan-3 mission has already achieved significant milestones. It has made India the fourth nation to successfully land on the moon and the first to do so near the moon’s southern pole. The primary goal of this mission is to identify scientifically significant regions, particularly those believed to contain substantial water deposits.

As we eagerly await the Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover’s awakening, let us appreciate the remarkable achievements of the Chandrayaan-3 mission thus far. With each new discovery and accomplishment, India’s space program continues to make significant strides in the exploration of the moon and beyond.