Friday , September 20 2024

Union only teaches how to live in a joint family: Prof. Umesh Pratap Singh


Prayagraj: A joint family relieves everyday stress. It has many advantages. That is why children should be given proper culture, which comes from the Sangh Parivar itself. Union itself teaches unity and tells how to live in harmony with everyone. This solves many problems.

The above thoughts were shared by Prof. Ewing Christian College (ECC) on Tuesday. Umesh Pratap Singh while talking to Hindustan Samachar correspondent expressed about joint family and nuclear family. He said that family is an institution. It is the most important part of a person’s life. A small family is called a nuclear family, which consists of only parents and their children. Whereas in a joint family the parents live with their children, the children’s spouses and so on and so forth with their children. Culture and tradition are more easily taught in a joint family. Children learn different values, learn to take responsibility and care for others. They learn social etiquette and family values.

Prof. Talking about the joint family, Singh said that a joint family is strong in difficult times. Because they support each other emotionally as well as financially. Tradition and culture are automatically passed from one generation to another. Since there are many members in a joint family, the children get more love and care. There is always someone at home to watch and take care of them. Family members understand the responsibilities and do all the work together. The entire burden does not fall on any one person. All members can share responsibility. Being a big family, you always have someone and so loneliness is not a problem. There is always a psychological basis. Children in a joint family can learn many things by observing.

Explaining the nuclear family, Professor Singh said that with only a limited number of members, you are free to do whatever you want. Children get more freedom as the family is small. Nuclear families tend to have fewer fights and quicker decision making. There are only a few members that parents can save for their children’s future and also withdraw money to go somewhere.

He said that there is less interference in a nuclear family. Children become independent early. They learn to do their own work and not interfere in the work and life of others. Usually nuclear families take loans to meet the needs and sudden loss of job burdens the family. At times members may feel sad and lonely. Because everyone is busy with their daily routine and less time is left for others. Most of the time both the parents are working, in such a situation it becomes difficult to take care of the children. As children grow up and start earning, they feel that it is okay to leave their parents and be alone. This leaves the elders alone and makes it difficult for them to cope. In the end he said that nowadays women have become very empowered and girls have also become aware. But freedom demands discipline.