Friday , September 20 2024

This mistake made while consuming green tea can have side effects


Mistakes made by drinking green tea: It is said that people who want to lose weight fast, want to maintain glowing skin, improve digestion or want to increase the energy of the body, should consume green tea. Yes, it cannot be denied that green tea has many health benefits. The number of green tea drinkers has also increased a lot these days. Green tea works effectively in boosting immunity. Along with this, it also reduces the risk of cancer, cholesterol, blood pressure and heart disease.

As mentioned earlier, most people green tea Let’s drink But the right way to consume it is not known. That’s why they make some mistakes while drinking green tea. Some things should be kept in mind while drinking green tea. Otherwise, instead of getting benefit from it, there will be more loss. This can have side effects on your health.


Do not make these mistakes while drinking green tea:
1. If you drink too much then nectar is also poison:
You must know that drinking green tea has many health benefits. So some people start consuming it excessively. As it is said that too much amrita is poison, too much green tea is injurious to health. That’s why drink green tea only when needed. Green tea can cause anxiety, insomnia and digestive problems if consumed in excess.


2. There is a special time to drink green tea
in green tea caffeine also happens. That’s why you should not drink it at night. If green tea is consumed late at night, it has a bad effect on the sleeping pattern. That’s why green tea should not be consumed at night. Green tea especially before sleeping.


3. Don’t drink green tea on an empty stomach
Some people have the habit of drinking tea as soon as they wake up in the morning. In such a situation, they enjoy green tea. Starting the day with green tea on an empty stomach in the morning is not good for health. Green tea contains tannin. It produces acid in the stomach. That’s why do not consume it on an empty stomach.

4. Do not drink green tea immediately after eating
It is wrong to drink green tea immediately after eating anything. This prevents the body from getting nutrients from food. Consuming green tea immediately after meals inhibits iron absorption. This causes anemia problem. There is no problem in drinking green tea after 1-2 hours of eating food.


5. Don’t Reuse Green Tea Bags
some people of green tea bags Let’s use it again. But don’t do it. Reusing tea bags spoils the taste of tea. Since drinking green tea is unhealthy, it is best to use its fresh leaves.