Thursday , September 19 2024

This is the most auspicious day for haircut, your luck will shine; Money will rain!


Hair cut day: Hinduism also mentions auspicious days and times for daily activities. Like on which day of the week nails should be cut, which is the auspicious day to cut hair, on which day women should wash their hair etc. These simple things should be done at the right time, otherwise there can be a lot of loss. On the other hand, work done at the right time gives benefits. Today we know which day is good and which day is bad for haircut.

no haircut on this day
According to Hindu religion, there are 5 days in a week when hair should not be cut. These days of the week are considered inauspicious for getting a haircut. Hair cut on this day means loss of money, loss of respect, physical pain etc.

monday: Parents should not cut hair at all on Monday. Otherwise it brings trouble in the life of the child.
Tuesday: Hair cut on Tuesday reduces life expectancy.
Wednesday: Haircut on Wednesday brings financial benefits. There are chances of progress in employment.
Thursday: Haircut on Thursday is considered inauspicious. It can turn fortune into misfortune.
Friday: It is very auspicious to get hair cut on Friday. It enhances beauty and attractiveness. Increases happiness and prosperity in life.
Saturday : Shani Dev gets angry by cutting hair on Saturday and gives physical, mental and financial problems.
sunday: Haircut on Sunday reduces self-confidence and has a bad effect on health.