
2596744 Mirror

New Delhi: A school named Southern Alamance Middle School in North Carolina, America, has decided to remove all the mirrors from its bathrooms. The reason behind this decision will surprise you. Let us tell you that the school has taken this decision due to students spending more time in the bathroom. Let us know what is the whole matter. 

For this reason, the mirrors were removed. 
 According to a report published in ‘The Daily Mail’, students were skipping their classes 7-8 times a day to make TikTok videos in the bathroom. Following the Alamance-Burlington School System’s announcement regarding this, Alamance Middle School removed all mirrors from its bathrooms. He believes that he has made such a decision to remove distractions from the students. Regarding this, ABBS Public Relations Officer Les Atkins told WFMY News, ‘Students were going to the bathroom for a long time and making TikTok videos.’ The school believes that the move has yielded effective results so far, as school officials have observed that students now spend less time in the bathroom. 

The school implemented a smart pass. 
Apart from this, the school has taken many other steps, which include implementing smart pass. Smart Pass is a digital hall pass system. In this, students will have to check in and check out to come to the class and exit from there. This facility will be free for students only. School officials say that through this pass they will try to reduce distractions among the students so that they can concentrate on their studies. 

Mobile phones distract students. 
This decision of the school has received a lot of support from parents and social media users. People believe that this decision of the school will remove distraction among the students. Some people say that there is no special need for school students to have mobile phones. This only serves to divert their attention.