Tuesday , September 17 2024

These symptoms of urine indicate that uric acid has increased in the body, ignoring it can be costly, joint problems will increase

Mixcollage 12 Aug 2024 11 20 Pm

Uric acid is a toxin formed in our body that the kidneys filter and remove from the body through urine. But when its quantity increases in the body, the kidneys are unable to filter it. Due to this, uric acid starts accumulating in the form of crystals in the joints of the body. In such a situation, due to this, there is swelling and pain in the joints and people have to face great difficulty in getting up and sitting.

If uric acid is not treated at the right time, it gradually takes the form of gout. In such a situation, you can also find out through urine if the uric acid is high. In such a situation, if you are facing some of these problems while urinating, then you may be a victim of uric acid. Know what are those symptoms related to urine.

Problems while urinating:

  • Burning sensation in urine: If the burning sensation in urine is not due to UTI, then get a test done for uric acid. A burning sensation in urine can occur when the level of uric acid in the blood increases. 
  • Smell while urinating: Due to an increase in uric acid, urine starts emitting a very strong foul smell. In such a situation, if you smell a smell while passing urine, then instead of ignoring it, contact the doctor. 
  • Change in the color of urine: When uric acid increases, the color of urine becomes muddy. There may be a burning sensation while urinating. In many cases, blood may also come out of urine.
  • Frequent urination: Frequent urination increases the problem of dehydration. In uric acid patients, due to lack of water, the kidneys fail to remove toxins from the body. If you notice even one symptom of uric acid, get it checked.
  • Blood in urine: An increase in the amount of uric acid in the body can lead to dehydration and due to lack of water, blood may appear in your urine. If you are also experiencing such problems in urine, then consult a doctor immediately.